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Our Case Studies

RAF Lossiemouth

Avian Radar to Prevent Bird Strikes Installed at Lossiemouth

Discover how advanced avian radar helps RAF Lossiemouth detect high-risk bird activity and mitigate bird strikes, with a real incident of strike avoidance.

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Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg

Deploying Bird Radar and Deterrence Devices

Discover how advanced avian radar and deterrence systems help controllers at Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg airport spot and mitigate high-risk bird activity.

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Amsterdam Schiphol Airport

Full Radar Coverage at Schiphol Airport

Discover how Schiphol Airport mitigates bird strikes with our 3D avian radars.

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Bureau Waardenburg

Minimising Bird Mortality With MAX®

Discover how our fully 3D mobile radar is helping to reduce bird collisions at Eemshaven wind farm. 

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Kavarna Wind Farm

Automatic Shut Down Capability for Black Sea Wind Farm

Our radar systems monitor bird activity and shut down turbines automatically – minimising collisions with migrating birds.

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Tahkoluoto Wind Farm

The Offshore Wind Farm Impact on Birds

We're helping Suomen Hyötytuuli measure the impact of their wind farm on the bird population with our 3D flex radar.

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European Integrated Drone (UAV) Defence

ELVIRA® Radar with Acoustic Detection

Explore how a European defence company is using our drone detection radar as part of their complete integrated drone defence system.

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Guardion Drone Defence System

ELVIRA® Radar Used in Drone Defence

Find out how our drone detection radar is being integrated as part of a wider defence against commercial drones.

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Berlin Brandenburg Airport

3D Flex for Berlin's Newest Airport

Learn how we collect continuous data on bird movements along the southern runway. 

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Don’t Leave Your Business Vulnerable

Find out how our radars can make your operations safer with actionable data. Get in touch today.