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We take your privacy seriously

Robin Radar Systems Privacy Policy

Effective date: 1 May 2018. Updated on 9 September 2022.

At Robin Radar Systems B.V., we are well aware of the trust you place in how we handle your personal data. In this Privacy Policy we inform you about how we collect, use, disclose, and share personal data within Robin Radar Systems B.V. (hereinafter to be referred to as 'Robin Radar') and for what purposes we do this.

Robin Radar Systems B.V. is responsible for the processing of personal data as set out in this Privacy Policy.

Contact Details:
Robin Radar Systems B.V.
Laan van Waalhaven 355
T: +31(0)8 – 8700 8700


Table of Contents:

  • Scope of the Privacy Policy

  • Data we collect and receive

  • Purposes for the use / processing of data

  • Data retention

  • Sharing personal data with third parties and disclosure

  • Security

  • Cookies

  • Amendments to this Privacy Policy

  • International data transfers

  • Privacy Officer

  • Your rights

  • Dutch Data Protection Authority

  • Contact


Scope of the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to the data processing operations of Robin Radar. Robin Radar is transparent about how it collects personal data and for what purpose it is used.


Data we collect and receive

Robin Radar collects personal details and corporate information provided by its (potential) customers and suppliers, as well as data obtained through visits to and use of the Robin Radar website. A specification of which information is collected at what times is provided per group below.


(Potential) customers and suppliers
(Personal) data that may be collected by Robin Radar include first and last name, address details, telephone number, email address, Chamber of Commerce number, VAT number, and bank account number.

The above-mentioned data may be collected on entering into a customer relationship, contact with the service department, and requesting information.


Website visitors:
(Personal) data that may be collected by Robin Radar includes first and last name, address details, email address, and IP address.

The above-mentioned data may be collected through the web form and the Google analytics cookies. Refer below for more about the use of cookies.


(Former) employees and job applicants
(Personal) data that may be collected by Robin Radar includes first and last name, telephone number, email address, CV, education, and details relating to work experience.

The above-mentioned data may be collected at the commencement of and during the selection procedure.


Purposes for the use/processing of data

We only collect and process personal data if this is necessary and do so only for the following purposes:

  1. Entering into and implementing agreements and maintaining customer contact;

  2. Making offers and/or providing information about the services and other activities of Robin Radar;

  3. Improving our service provision;

  4. Carrying out a selection procedure;

  5. Compliance with statutory obligations;

  6. Collecting claims (including outsourcing claims to a collection agency);

  7. Answering questions and handling complaints;

  8. Dealing with disputes;

  9. Internal management and administration; and

  10. Having an audit performed.


Data retention and removing data

Robin Radar retains and removes personal data no longer than is necessary for the above-mentioned purposes and observes the statutory retention periods, unless stated otherwise in this document.

We remove job applicant data from our recruitment systems no later than 120-days after reception of the job application. Job application details will only be kept on file for a longer period if we have the explicit consent of the applicant.


Sharing personal data with third parties and disclosure

Robin Radar shares personal data with third parties if this is necessary for achieving the above-mentioned purposes and for compliance with any statutory obligation. We conclude a processing agreement with companies that process the data on our behalf to ensure an equal level of security and confidentiality of all data. Robin Radar is and remains responsible for these processing operations. In addition, Robin Radar only provides personal data to other third parties with your explicit consent.

An example: If an applicant applies for a job at Robin Radar and we think this candidate may make a better match with one of Robin Radar's clients, we will first contact the candidate and only pass on the data to the client after the applicant has provided explicit consent.



Robin Radar takes personal data very seriously and will do its utmost to optimally protect the personal data provided against unauthorised access, abuse, loss, and theft. Robin Radar has taken appropriate technical and organisational measures and monitors and protects its services against abuse and fraud.



Robin Radar only uses technical, functional, and analytical cookies that do not infringe on your privacy. A cookie is a small text file that is stored to your computer, tablet, or smartphone during your first visit to the Robin Radar website. The cookies are necessary for the technical functioning of the website and for ease of use. They ensure that the website works properly and remember your preferred settings. This also allows us to optimise our website.

In addition, as part of the 'Analytics' service, a cookie of the American company Google is placed through our website. Robin Radar uses this service to keep track and receive reports on the way in which visitors use the website. As Robin Radar has concluded a processing agreement with Google, has disabled the 'share data' option, Google does not process the complete IP address and other Google services are not used, your consent for placing these cookies is not required.

You can unsubscribe from cookies by setting your internet browser to stop saving cookies. You can also remove all previously saved information in the settings of your browser. Consult the Help function of your browser for more information.


Amendments to this Privacy Policy

Robin Radar may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. Changes in laws and regulations may require us to adjust our Privacy Policy. We may also want to adjust our Privacy Policy on the basis of new insights. If we adjust the Privacy Policy, we will immediately make the new version available online.


International data transfers

Robin Radar only exchanges data with a country outside the European Union that guarantees an appropriate level of security. Robin Radar only transfers personal data to the United States on the basis of an EU model contract or to companies certified by the US Department of Commerce pursuant to the Privacy Shield (http://www.privacyshield.gov/welcome).


Privacy Officer

An employee within Robin Radar has taken up the (ancillary) position of Privacy Officer. The Privacy Officer is responsible for keeping the Privacy Policy up to date and communicating it and serves as the point of contact for questions or complaints with regard to privacy and personal data protection. If a data breach appears to have occurred within Robin Radar, this should be reported to the Privacy Officer.


Your rights

You have the right to access the data Robin Radar has collected and processed with respect to you.
You have the right to correct all data or to have them removed from the Robin Radar files. Moreover, in certain circumstances you have the right to ask for removal of your personal data or limit the processing operations. Finally, you have the right to object to the data processing as well as the right to transfer your data to another organisation, or have them transferred. We will always observe all statutory obligations when performing these requests.

If you have given Robin Radar your consent for processing your personal data, you can withdraw this consent at any time. The withdrawal of your consent does not affect the legitimacy of any processing performed on the basis of your consent that took place before the moment of withdrawal.

We will handle your request after we have verified who you are. For this purpose, we need your full name, address, and a copy of your identity card. Black out your passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip with numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number, and Citizen Service Number (BSN) on your identity card, so as to protect your privacy. We must grant or respond to your request within a period of four weeks. We prefer to do this by email.


Dutch Data Protection Authority

In the Netherlands, the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) is tasked with the supervision of compliance with the privacy laws and regulations. Questions and complaints can be addressed to it (https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/).



You may find a number of links to other websites of organisations on the Robin Radar website. Robin Radar is not responsible for the use of your data by those organisations. We recommend that you read the privacy policy of the organisations concerned.



If you have any questions or comments about the Robin Radar Systems Privacy Policy or your rights, please contact our Privacy Officer via privacy@robinradar.com.