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10 Types of Counter-drone Technology To Detect And Stop Drones Today

Counter the Drone Threat With Counter-UAS Technology

The continued growth of the consumer drone market presents new challenges for the aviation industry. Whether it's a careless amateur pilot or a deliberate attack, the drone threat comes in many shapes and sizes.

To help you meet these challenges head-on, we've written this overview of the counter-drone technology you can buy today. You might also know it as anti-drone or counter-UAS (C-UAS) technology.

We focus on the latest countermeasures. So, if you need to implement (or are thinking about implementing) a counter-drone solution, then this is the resource for you.

Read on for a (mostly) unbiased look at the best counter-drone and counter-UAS technology, including a helpful breakdown of the pros and cons of each solution. We’ve even provided links to vendors for you. Now, that's helpful!

We’ve split the guide into two categories: monitoring equipment and drone countermeasures.

What is counter-drone technology?

Counter-drone technology encompasses a wide range of solutions that allow you to detect, classify, and mitigate drones and unmanned aerial vehicles. This includes everything from camera systems and specialist drone detection radar to net guns and cyber takeover systems. This is also known as counter-UAS technology because drones are a type of unmanned aerial system.

Close up of black drone monitoring equipment, including a keyboard and joystick


Drone Monitoring Equipment

Drone monitoring equipment can be passive (simply looking or listening) or active (emitting a signal and analysing what comes back) and can perform several functions:

  • Detection
  • Classification or identification
  • Locating and tracking
  • Alerting

Not all equipment performs all the above functionality at the same time. For example, detection means the counter-UAS technology can simply detect that something is there. But detection alone isn’t enough.

That's why classification is useful. Technology that separates drones from other types of objects – like birds and planes, for example.

One step further is identification. Some equipment can identify a particular model of drone, or even identify the drone’s or controller’s digital fingerprint, like a MAC address. This level of identification can be handy for prosecution purposes.

Being alerted that a drone is present somewhere in the vicinity is already useful. But your situational awareness and ability to deploy countermeasures are greatly enhanced if you know the drone’s (and/or the controller’s) exact location. Some counter-UAS technology even allows you to track the drone's location in real-time.

There are four main types of drone monitoring equipment:

  • Radio frequency (RF) analysers
  • Acoustic sensors (Microphones)
  • Optical sensors (Cameras)
  • Radar

1. Radar

A device that uses radio energy to detect an object. Drone detection radar or counter-UAS radar sends out a signal and uses the reflection as it bounces off an object to measure its direction and distance (position).

Most radars send their radio signal as a burst, then listen for the "echo". Almost all radars are designed NOT to pick up small targets. They're designed for large object tracking, like passenger aircraft. However, specialist counter-UAS technology includes radar that tracks smaller objects, like drones, with ease.

  • Long range, constant tracking, highly accurate localisation.
  • Can handle hundreds of targets simultaneously.
  • Can track all drones regardless of autonomous flight and visual conditions (day, night, fog, etc.)
  • Detection range depends on drone size.
  • Most don't distinguish birds from drones.
  • Requires a transmission license and frequency checks to prevent interference.

Well, that’d be us then! But we should probably point out here that our own Drone Detection Radar, IRIS, isn't like standard radars.

For starters, we built IRIS specifically to track drones. Featuring 360-degree azimuth and 60-degree elevation coverage, IRIS provides early warning of approaching drones from any direction, in full 3D.

What makes IRIS unique is that it's a counter UAS, micro-doppler radar.

Micro-doppler radar detects speed differences within moving objects. For example, a drone's rotor. This enables IRIS to distinguish between drones and other small, fast-moving objects, like birds, reducing false alarms. It can also detect autonomous and hovering drones and track multiple targets simultaneously.

Lightweight and easy to deploy, IRIS integrates seamlessly with your existing drone detection systems.

Find out how customers use our radar technology.

2. Radio Frequency (RF) Analysers

RF Analysers consist of one or more antennas to receive radio waves and a processor to analyse the RF spectrum. They’re used to detect radio communication between a drone and its controller.

Some systems can identify the more common drone makes and models, while others can even identify the MAC addresses of the drone and controller (if the drone uses Wi-Fi for communication). This is especially useful for prosecution purposes – proving that a particular drone and controller were active at a certain time and location.

Some high-end systems can also triangulate the drone and its controller when using multiple radio units spread far apart.

  • Low-cost.
  • Can detect (and sometimes identify) multiple drones and controllers.
  • It's also passive, so you don't need a licence to operate.
  • Some can triangulate drone and controller positions.
  • Doesn’t always locate and track drones. Can’t detect autonomous drones, less effective in crowded RF areas. Typically short range. Difficult to detect drones controlled over 5G networks.
  • Successful RF identification also depends on libraries that require continuous reverse engineering and updating. This takes time, during which UAS with modified protocols go unseen. Subscriptions to library updates can be expensive.

Vendors of radio frequency analysers include Rohde & Schwarz, Aaronia, Dedrone, and CERBAIR.

3. Optical Sensors (Cameras)

Optical sensors collect light at a range of wavelengths, including visible and infrared, as well as thermal radiation, to detect drones day and night. Recent advances in optical sensor technology have improved resolution (and thereby range) and processing power in the form of AI-powered detection, tracking, and classification.

  • Provide visuals on the drone and its (potential) payload. Can record images as forensic evidence for use in prosecution.
  • Difficult to use for detection by itself. High false-alarm rates. Performs poorly in dark, fog, etc.

Too many to mention...

4. Acoustic Sensors (Microphones)

This type of counter-UAS technology involves using a microphone or microphone array (lots of microphones) to detect the sound made by a drone and calculate its direction. Use multiple microphone arrays for rough triangulation.

  • Detects all drones within the near field, including those operating autonomously (without RF emissions).
  • Detects drones in the ground clutter where other technologies can struggle. Great gap-filler in areas outside the line-of-sight of other sensors.
  • Highly mobile and quickly deployable. Completely passive.
  • Doesn’t work as well in noisy environments. Has a very short range (max. 300-500m).

Vendors include Squarehead Technologies.

Silhouetted drone approaching a commercial aeroplane at sunset



Drone Countermeasures

Drone countermeasures include:

  • Physically destroying the drone
  • Neutralizing the drone
  • Taking control of the drone

It’s important to note that although the technology is available, current regulations in most countries forbid the use of any of the following drone countermeasures to neutralize drones. Exceptions are sometimes made for military or law enforcement agencies.

5. Radio Frequency Jammers

This is a static, mobile, or handheld device that transmits a large amount of RF energy towards the drone, masking the controller signal. This results in one of four scenarios, depending on the drone:

  1. The drone makes a controlled landing in its current position
  2. The drone returns to its pre-programmed home location (which could be set to a target position instead of home)
  3. The drone falls uncontrolled to the ground
  4. The drone flies off in a random direction
  • Medium cost, non-kinetic neutralization.
  • Short range. Can affect (and jam) other radio communications.
  • May result in unpredictable drone behaviour and can unintentionally send the drone to its target.

TRD, HP Wust, and DedroneDefender.

6. GPS Spoofers

GPS spoofers send a new signal to the target drones, replacing the communication signal it uses to navigate. In this way, it spoofs the drone into thinking it’s somewhere else.

By dynamically altering the GPS coordinates in real-time, the spoofer can control the drone’s position. Once the spoofer gains control, they can direct the drone to a ‘safe zone’, for example.

However, GPS spoofers can inadvertently disrupt other systems beyond the target drone. Because of the risks, GPS spoofers are primarily used as a drone countermeasure on the battlefield. They aren't as common for civilian operations.

  • Medium cost, non-kinetic neutralization.
  • Short range. Can affect (and jam) other radio communications.

Regulus manufactures GPS spoofers specifically for drone defence.

7. High Power Microwave (HPM) devices

High Power Microwave (HPM) devices generate an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) capable of disrupting electronic devices.

The EMP interferes with radio links and disrupts or even destroys the electronic circuitry inside drones (plus any other electronic device within range) due to the damaging voltage and currents it creates.

HPM devices may include an antenna to focus the EMP in a certain direction, reducing potential collateral damage.

  • Effectively stops drones within range. Non-kinetic.
  • High cost. Risk of unintentionally disrupting communications or destroying other electronic devices in the area.
  • Can cause the drone to switch off instantly so it falls, uncontrolled, to the ground.

Diehl Defence provides an HPEM solution.

8. Nets and Net Guns

This rudimentary but effective counter-UAS technology involves using a net to stop the drone by prohibiting the rotor blades. There are three main delivery methods:

  • Net cannons fired from the ground: can be hand-held, shoulder-launched, or turret-mounted. Anywhere from 20m to 300m effectiveness. Can be used with or without a parachute for controlled descent of the captured drone.
  • Net cannon fired from another drone: overcomes the limited range of a net cannon on the ground. Can be difficult to capture another moving drone. Normally used with a parachute for controlled descent of the captured drone.
  • Hanging net deployed from a net drone: a friendly, net-carrying drone is manoeuvred towards the rogue drone. The net drone will normally be capable of either carrying the rogue drone to a safe zone or, if it's too heavy, can release the captured drone with or without a parachute for a controlled descent.
  • Physically captures drones – good for forensics and prosecution.
  • Ground-launched net cannons are semi-automatic with high accuracy.
  • Drone-deployed nets have a long range and low risk of collateral damage.
  • As a kinetic solution, it can result in debris (depending on parachute options). Drone-deployed nets can be imprecise and have long reload times. Ground-launched nets have a short range.
  • Drone-mounted net guns often struggle to intercept and neutralize hostile drones that fly aggressively or evasively due to inertia.

9. High-energy lasers

A high-powered optical device which produces an extremely focused beam of light, or laser beam. The laser destroys the drone's structure and/or electronics.

  • Long-range, low cost-to-kill solution. Physically stops and destroys target drones to neutralise threats quickly.
  • Doesn't require physical ammunition, like nets.
  • Large system. Mostly experimental. Risk of collateral damage to other airborne targets and people at ground level, especially to eyes.

Lockheed Martin and Raytheon.

10. Cyber Takeover Systems

Cyber takeover, or cyber takedown, systems are a relatively new counter-drone technology. They passively detect radio frequency transmissions emitted by drones to identify the drone's serial number and locate the pilot's position using AI. If the operator recognises the drone as a threat, they can send a signal to hack the drone, assume control, and direct it to a safe location.

  • Precise, with a low risk of collateral damage. Lightweight and configurable for both static and mobile applications.
  • Automatically captures incident data vital for forensic investigation. Effective against both piloted and autonomous drones.
  • New and largely untested technology. Relies on an up-to-date library of commercial drones, making it less effective against homemade or state-developed drones.

D-Fend Solutions' Enforce Air System is one of the market leaders for counter-drone takeover technology.

ESG Defence and public security vans



Integrating Counter-UAS Technology

It’s more than likely that the best counter-drone solution for you is going to be a mix of the above technologies. Which mix exactly? Well, that’s going to be dependent on your specific use case.

We work with several companies all over the world who integrate our radars into modular counter-drone systems, so you don’t have to. This solves the headache of dealing with multiple vendors and means you don’t need to integrate different hardware and software solutions.

Talking about software, command and control (C2) software can make or break your counter-drone system. You must collect, process, and display data from all those different sensors and technologies in an actionable, user-friendly way.

So, it pays to make sure you’re getting a scalable, sensor-agnostic, and intuitive C2 solution with your system.

Good examples of counter-drone C2 systems are ESG’s ELYSION, Dedrone's DedroneTracker.AI, and Operational Solutions’ FACE.

C2 systems vary significantly in terms of capability and cost. The complexity of the connected sensors and effectors, the type of threat, and your budget influence whether you require all the bells and whistles or a more basic system. However, drone defence companies are developing industry standards for C-UAS integration, with SAPIENT's out-of-the-box data integration capabilities at the forefront.

This isn't the whole story, of course. And while data interoperability is a pre-requisite, don't underestimate the importance of other C2 functions like data fusion, workflow management, and decision support.

Protect your business with counter-drone technology

Find out how our radars can make your operations safer with actionable data. Get in touch today.