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Bird Strikes

Bird Strikes

There will be 36,000 bird strikes on aircraft this year. Don't let them happen at your airport.

At airports, preventing birds striking aircraft is an on-going challenge.

Our range of bird radars track the exact flight paths of both flocks and individual birds up to 10 kilometres.

They automatically detect and log hundreds of birds simultaneously, including their size, speed, direction and flight path.

With our avian radars, you'll be tracking in real-time, 24/7, all around your airport.

You’ll have all the information you need to mitigate bird strikes, and even intervene, when necessary.

And of course, unlike human observers, our radars don’t need to rest, and they can see in all weather, day or night.



X-Band 9650MHz
Real-time position and track in full 3D – in all directions all of the time
20W average power output
1.0s track update rate
15km instrumented range




Real-time position and track in 3D
360-degree coverage
2x 12W power output
1.0s track update rate
5km instrumented range



Reduce your bird hazard risk with the leading bio-acoustic bird dispersal technology for international airports.

The safe and reliable dispersal of birds from airports is essential to the health and safety of passengers, staff and wildlife alike.

Through Scarecrow Group, acquired by Robin in 2021, Robin offers airport bird control products using state of the art bio-acoustic technology for bird dispersal and bird strike avoidance. 

  • Reduce the risk of bird strikes using bio-acoustic technology
  • Safe and humane dispersal of birds for airports and aviation sites
  • The leading bird control system for major international airports

In addition to dispersing birds, our Scarecrow software solutions provide you the tools required to analyse wildlife activity and then make proactive informed decisions about what action to take to mitigate your bird hazard risks

Many major international airports around the globe rely on Scarecrow’s bio-acoustics technology as an essential component of wildlife management. 

Scarecrow systems have been developed in close cooperation with airport clients to provide reliable bird dispersal and control. 

With the acquisition of Scarecrow completed in 2021, expect to see more integrated offerings coming soon!

Fast Response Time

Does your Bird Control Team have full situational awareness of birds on and around your airport?

Our bird radar tracks are pushed out to tablets in your bird control vehicles, in real-time.

This creates unprecedented situational awareness, allowing super fast response times.

To make your job even easier, our radars will automatically warn your team if high-risk birds are about to enter a critical zone.

Critical zones are pre-defined areas, customisable in cooperation with the relevant aviation authorities, and easy to modify with new insights.

And you can be sure our radars are going to give you new insights.

Our Mobile Viewer can also display an activity grid, showing where the recent hot spots of bird activity are.

This helps make the most effective use of your team on the ground, making sure they're always there where the action is.

Quantify patterns in behaviour

Avoid bird strikes by looking at the past and predicting the future

Our data analytics tools allow you to recall, replay, and analyse the recorded data from our radars. This allows you to quantify patterns in behaviour.

Think migration routes, seasonal occurrence, and the impact of specific weather conditions.

The longer you operate our bird radars, the more useful your data will become. You’ll be able to identify key areas on and around your airport, for breeding, feeding, roosting and wintering.

You can create quantified data as input for habitat management discussions with stakeholders, and you can actually measure the effectiveness of mitigation policies.

And something we've noticed. Visualisation of objective data helps create awareness amongst stakeholders. That's why we supply a handy visualisation tool with all of our avian radars.

Based on Real Risk

From counting bird strikes, to next generation KPIs.

Our bird radars continuously collect objective data such as near misses, bird densities and runway crossings.

Modern airports use this type of information as key performance indicators (KPIs).

With our custom reporting and viewing, you can choose which KPIs you want to report on, and which timeframes you prefer to use.

This is your chance to move on from simply counting bird strikes, to next-generation KPIs based on real risk.

Drone Icon Grey

Birds AND Drones for Complete Safety and Security

Need to Detect Drones at Your Airport?

Unauthorised drones are a safety and security risk at airports. Luckily, we have radars that can help you detect, classify, and track both birds and drones.

To find out more about our networked drone detection radars check out our dedicated drone detection page

It hasn't escaped us that COVID-19 has seriously affected the aviation sector. We understand that this is a difficult time for many of us, and that we all need to adapt.

That's why we're currently offering trial options and flexible pricing to civil airports. Do get in touch with us if you're interested in these options. 

Schiphol Spots Birds with Specialised Radar